There were ruins on every hand, read a perhaps gleeful card on one such film, now posted by the Library of Congress. 到处都是废墟,一部国会图书馆发布的电影里,有人在一张卡片上以或许有些幸灾乐祸的口气写道。
Last week, he donated £ 12m to the Academy of Motion Pictures and Sciences in Los Angeles, which will name a new film library in his honour. 而9月中旬,他又向位于洛杉矶的电影艺术与科学学院捐款1200万英镑,该学院则以他的名字命名了一座新建成的电影图书馆。
Yes, the snow fortress in the film Inception looks a lot like the Geisel Library. 没错,《盗梦空间》里雪地里的堡垒那个场景,看起来就很像是盖泽尔图书馆。
One of the goofs in this film: When Mike is outside the library, there are no columns outside, but when he enters, the shot from inside the library shows one. 电影中有一个这样的穿帮镜头:当迈克在图书馆外的时候,外面并没有圆柱。可当他走进图书馆,从里面望出去时,却有根柱子立在那里。
The background picture may be stock footage from a film library. 可以从电影资料馆将背景胶片借出。
Broadcast in English with Mandarin subtitles, the MGM Channel Asia brings to the television viewing audience a24-hour movie channel with great selections from the world's largest modern film library. MGM亚洲电影频道拥有全世界最大的现代电影资料库,全天候24小时播放精选英文影片,并附有中文字幕,为电视观众带来不间断的精彩视听飨宴。
A friend took a photo for me, and later we found film footage of the handshake in the Kennedy Library. 一位朋友为我拍了张照片,后来我在肯尼迪图书馆发现了这组握手的电影胶片。
Discussion on the Film and Video Service of the Library of Dalian Medical University 大连医科大学图书馆影视服务工作探讨
The combined assets of the three channels and the film library are valued at$ 300m, making the deal worth about$ 160m, sources said. 消息来源称,三个电视频道和电影片库的资产估值总计3亿美元,这意味着这宗交易价值大约1.6亿美元。
Emotionally unstable and having difficulty coping with personal relationships. This film shows the library system of Azusa Pacific University. 情绪不稳定并且在维系人际关系上有困难的。此影片精练地介绍了美国亚苏莎太平洋大学图书馆系统的设置、行的情况。
Warner produces more DVDs than any other studio and has the largest film library in Hollywood, which is likely to make its support the deciding factor in the format war. 华纳兄弟生产的DVD比其他任何一家电影公司都更多,并且拥有好莱坞最大的电影图书馆,这可能会令其对蓝光的支持成为这场格式之战的决定性因素。
Thin film combinatorial library approach is an excellent innovation for inorganic functional material research, and it can discover and screen new materials efficiently. 组合材料芯片技术是功能材料开发研究的全新方法,能够高效、快速地筛选/优化新材料。
The same time book as the broadcasting film and TV is a culture phenomenon emerged in the recent years, therefore, borrowing hot point comes into library. 影视同期书是近年来产生的一种文化现象,由此也产生了图书馆的影视同期书借阅热点。